📓 My CV

Chris' CV

This is my CV With the Personal information Redacted and more information given in the projects and Work Experience. There is only so much you can fit on 1/2 pages and this seemed like a logical way of expanding and letting you get to know me and my work more.
Please see the normal version of my CV for contact Details.

Personal Statement #

I Am an experienced IT Technician / SYS Administrator with around 7 Years of professional experience working in education with many more being the Family / Friends tech support.

Currently, I am a T1 Technician managing the day-to-day aspects of a mid-sized secondary and 6th form.

Formerly I was a T2/3 (in practice) at a different school.
In my personal time, I like to take an approach with hobbies that allow me to teach myself new skills and software.
Through my experience in building and repairing work & personal devices I have become quite confident in my ability to repair hardware & software, knowing when to escalate to the OEM if needed.

Career Objective (5/10 Year Plan) #

My shorter term goal is to move back towards a more T2/3/SYS ADMIN Role.

My Mid term goal is to invest more time into Cloud and server style roles. It seems likely most business that have moved towards the cloud have started to come slightly back towards having some things on prem, and thus a hybrid server/cloud personal knowledge-base seems both a sensible path to take and interests me significantly.

Longer term I would like to be some sort of senior systems role / technical team lead, being the escalation point for a small team of techs.
Or putting it another way a IT Team manager role, but focusing on the technical side.

Interests and Hobbies #

  • Scouting
  • Learning New Tech
  • Food, Cooking and trying new things
  • Gaming
  • Taking Things Apart
  • Automation