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The QuackBot API is a set of Web toys, Mainly Twitch chat and Discord Integrations.

These were Originally made in PowerShell hosted on Azure Functions, but are slowly being moved over to C# / Python.

V2 (PowerShell) #

  • Cipher: Generates a “cipher”/ Password Esc Jumble of Letters
  • Define: Connects to a dictionary API And gets the definition of a given word
  • Weather: Connects to a Weather API and gets the weather in a given city
  • Search: A LMGTFY API, “I’m Feeling Lucky” Google Search API
  • Quote/RemindME: Takes a give message and posts it in a Discord Channel

V3 (PowerShell) #

  • GCODE: Gets the latest message from a Discord Channel and sends it as a Twitch Message (for sending game join code)
  • Clippy: Creates a twitch clip and posts it in a Discord Channel
  • GoLive: Posts a GoLive message in discord when fired from a twitch live message
  • Status: Updates a Discord embed message containing stream live status for a twitch channel
  • Suggest: Creates a Discord Thread from a given message (for Stream Suggestions)
  • GetChar: Pulls information from a text file for a given “RP” Character
  • Refresh: Refreshes Salt and bearer tokens, passes them back into key vault
  • Quote / RemindME: Cleaner Version of V2

V3 Python #

  • Discord > Jira: a Discord integration that creates a ticket in Jira from a discord Channel and then can update the ticket too.