Professional | PowerShell
I Have done various PowerShell Projects.
The Mega Script #
This is a large script of short / one liner PowerShell Snippets, a chunk of these are here on my
Docs Website
This is slowly being condensed into a “
MACHS Functions” PowerShell Function file.
- Bulk Password Resets, inc force change and expiry
- Print Everything in a given folder (Although less reliable nowadays)
- Permissions Fixing
- Bulk Scheduled Task Removal
Mass User Creation Script #
This script takes a CSV of user information, and then creates the Active directory Users out of them.
The script also created NTFS Shares & permissions.
Setting various AD Groups as needed.
Forcing Repadmin and Azure Sync as needed for licensing and permissions.
This script could easily Ingest the 100~ New students at the start of the year and generate there user accounts and give a nice PDF Doc that could be printed off to give to the student.
It was also used for staff accounts.
This insured when the process was followed correctly, user accounts could be generated correctly, quickly and in bulk with IT Only having to start the process and hand passwords to the relevant staff member.
As the script was very specific to
This Role in the event of a rebuild I’d make it far more general and efficient.
I’d also likely rebuild it in c# and perhaps implement something like Power Automate or some sort of form submissions to allow “HR” to generate users with minimal IT involvement.
Meraki API / Status #
This is a simple script that connections to the Meraki API.
It collections data about the status of the wireless network, (Lan Speed, IsOnline, Any Errors)
It then passes the data through to python to make a nice graph displaying the status.
Part of our daily checks involve making sure all of our access points are up and working, this would normally involve logging onto the portal to make sure, however this was easy to set up and works really well.
It’s cutting a 2 minute job down to 30 seconds, but that adds up quickly every day.
TODO: I Will Add the ability for it to also work on Meraki Switches.
Video Converter #
A Simple script that’s set up to watch a folder, and then convert any videos to a specified format (Using FFMPEG)
This was mainly used to convert students PE Videos, that come in all weird and wonderful formats from phones and cameras, to something that was submittable to the exam board and decreasing there size as well.
Python Bulk PIP Installer #
A simple script that runs on system login (once per computer), installing a list of python packages to the computers.
This allows Python packages to be installed with an automated process, and easily kept up-to-date, with minimal tech interaction and without releasing the proxy server to the end user.