📓 My CV

Websites, Web-Services & Web-Servers

Professionally #

Lite management of This Job’s website & IIS Server, mainly small HTML Updates and the odd picture upload. Most of the work done on this site used semi automated systems and thus required very little maintenance or direct work.

Personally #

Naturally as an IT Nerd I Have my own web server (currently hosted in NL), this hosts the majority of my web infrastructure and the websites of some friends to.
This results in significant web traffic which has to be managed.


This is a normal month for the stuff that goes via Cloudflare, but does not include traffic from things such as my Minecraft Server
The sites were originally on an IIS Server using an awful version of MY-SQL For the database.
Overtime I Moved them to a more stable Linux based server (CentOS on ESXI), with a separate internet isolated VM for the database (MariaDB)
Effectively most of my infrastructure is sat behind Cloudflare, for the security & performance benefits and all of the other useful tools they provide.
I Am also slowly moving relevant services to sit behind Cloudflare access/tunnels to further increase security, with the end goal of nothing being directly accessible on the web.

thegatewaytoanewworld.com #

My main personal site Link WordPress, quite a simple professional esc website for my game Dev hobby and twitch streaming.
Built, hosted and maintained by me.

cv.m2s.uk #

The page you are reading this on. This is a simple Hugo site using the “Amethyst” theme. Excellent for Documentation style sites, fill in some text files (Markdown) and then it spits out a super fast clean looking site.
Hosted using Cloudflare pPages & GitHub as the backend.

docs.m2s.uk #

My main documentation site link. Also a simple Hugo site, but using a slightly customized theme (Relearn).
In here you will also find:

  • Swagger API docs for my (QUACKBOTAPI)
  • Documentation for my FiveM Scripts
  • Botches And Bodges - Some of my stories from the world of tech.
  • Documentation for the other projects listed in the C# And PowerShell Pages
  • The Archives, Which themselves contain:
  • Tech Guy Blog - an Old attempt a blog style site
  • DotRP Home & DotRP Docs some old FiveM Things and old versions of Script Documentation

Blogsite - Hosting for a friend #

(Name Redacted) A Large scale news/blog site, taking up a significant portion of the web traffic in my infrastructure.
Its a WordPress site, but set up in a way where I only need to worry about backups and if it goes down. The friend manages design etc.
Have moved this site across servers & server infrastructure many times with normally Sub hour migration (Sans DNS)

f3nxmedia.co.uk #

A Friends media company F3NX Media, another WordPress site. Helped with the design and building, currently host.

Driving Instructor #

(Name Redacted) I Host my old driving instructors website, another simple set and forget WordPress site, with the occasional testimonial and server/service updates.

Joke sites #

A handful of small ‘joke’ sites such as No Hello - a fork of the no hello site.