Windows Server #
- 2008,2008R2,2016 General Support
- DNS / DHCP: Can manage existing, but Little experience in the new
- Hyper-V Core: Now Deprecated, but was good to play around with.
- SCCM: Reporting
Cloud Migrations #
- Exchange 2010 > Exchange online (365)
- Personal SMB Shares > OneDrive
- Shared SMB Shares > SharePoint / Teams
Other #
- Adobe PhotoShop: Very Basic Editing
- mySQL (MariDB): Used for most of my Databases
- MYSQL Server / MYSQL: Mainly WSUS Related and managing existing servers.
- Linux Desktop: Minimal Usage Kail/Ubuntu
- Some HTML
- Aruba, HPE, Ruckus, Meraki: Day-To-Day and fixes
APIS & Programming #
Some of these likely could move over to ‘Core’ Skills, However most of the programming I do is out of necessity.
See Projects for More details about these.
- Discord API
- Google API
- Twitch API
- Meraki API
- C#
- Python
- VB.NET - Moved away in favour of C#