📓 My CV

Level 2/3 IT Tech | 2017 - 2021

This was an IT Support Role for a mid sized secondary school & Sixth form. The day to day work included supporting a wide array of desktops,
laptops, projectors and printers. It included some remote support for feeder primary schools
and during lockdown to staff working from home. I was responsible for maintaining the
servers and services such as WSUS, WDS, Active Directory, Group Policy.

Relevant Projects #

Mass User Creation
Mega Script
Video Converter
GSUITE Migration

Why I Left to a lower level role #

I Have been asked this a few times, and struggled with a clear answer.

Partially I had reached a point in my career where it was clear that its unlikely I’d be able to make any progression in this role and had done all that I could have at the time.
The responsibilities and tasks I had were far beyond what the role was on paper and the compensation I received.
With this all together I decided I needed a change and a new challenged, which is what My Next Role offered me.